Re: any extra patches to consider?

From: Patrice sur GMail <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 07:29:41 -0300
Message-ID: <>

Thank you.

In case people were wondering, my intention is not to criticize Oracle or their staff, it's just that I know from experience that bureaucracies don't work. The bigger they are, the more lacunae they produce.q

On Sep 13, 2016 06:39, "Niall Litchfield" <> wrote:

> Good day Patrice,
> Oracle does maintain a list of recommended patches at
> this
> is essentially the PSU/Bundle patches and JVM patches plus the note Patrick
> refers to. In addition, there are some useful notes scattered around
> Metalink containing patches pertinent to individual *features* -
> unfortunately, these don't seem to follow a consistent naming convention or
> be gathered in one note. For there are, at least, the following.
> =>
> SQL Plan Management
> =>
> Table compression
> =>
> Direct NFS
> I'm fairly sure there is one each for AQ and ASM but I don't seem to have
> recorded the numbers of these notes.
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 6:10 AM, Patrick Jolliffe <>
> wrote:
>> Patrice,
>> I was looking in this area fairly recently and have a couple of pointers
>> you may wish to consider.
>> Firstly, consider moving from PSU's to DBBP (Database Proactive Bundle
>> Patches).
>> A few resources you can find about the differences:
>> abase-proactive-bundle-patches/
>> In summary each DBBP contain a superset of bug fixes contained in the
>> equivalent PSU.
>> Note that one-off patches must either be build for DBBP or PSU, they are
>> not interchangable.
>> I decided that DBBP was the way to go on Linux (and maybe Solaris) only
>> for now, as I guess Exadata customers install the DBBP as part of full
>> stack patchset, so they are likely better tested, and individual bug fixes
>> on top of the DBBPs are often available.
>> For AIX (our other main platform), seems individual bug-fixes are
>> generally only available on top of PSU's for now, so I guess DBBP on AIX is
>> less well tested, at least until Oracle does a better job of communicating
>> the best practices.
>> In addition, you may also want to review the following document which
>> lists some bug fixes not included in latest PSU or DBBP.
>> Things to Consider to Avoid Poor Performance or Wrong Results on
>> (Doc ID 2034610.1) I guess there are equivalents for other versions.
>> Slightly worryingly (in the case of we have encountered quite a
>> few cases of wrong results, some very easy to reproduce. Bug fixes for
>> some of these issues already exist, but they are neither included in PSU,
>> DBBP or the support note above.
>> Regards
>> Patrick
>> On 11 September 2016 at 00:30, Patrice sur GMail <
>>> wrote:
>>> After Y2K I was playing around with a software called Harris InfoSTAT
>>> which scanned our Windows workstation, told us what vulnerabilities
>>> existed, and which Windows security updates were missing. Even though we
>>> were applying all the updates recommended by Microsoft, there were 2 or 3
>>> which existed but that Microsoft had forgotten to put into the update
>>> system or decided to omit. (there were also a bunch of registry settings
>>> InfoSTAT recommended like disable CD drive autostart and probably now they
>>> would say disable USB ports but that's something else)
>>> When I realized Microsoft "missed' some vulnerability updates, it left
>>> me wondering what Windows bug fixes were also missing.
>>> Regarding Oracle, are there any "good" patches which aren't included in
>>> the PSU bundles? (PSU here including both bug and security fixes).
>>> Just wondering.
>>> Other than poking around in Oracle's Support site by product looking for
>>> patches, is there a tech note page which lists other patches, like perhaps
>>> for EBS or other products, that would be useful to have in more generic
>>> databases?
>>> ​I am fishing I suppose but I know there are smart people on this list
>>> who know more than I do.
>>> -- Patrice
>>> My profiles: [image: Facebook]
>>> <!/profile.php?id=100000206805521>[image:
>>> LinkedIn] <>[image:
>>> Twitter] <>
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA

Received on Tue Sep 13 2016 - 12:29:41 CEST

Original text of this message