Re: Remote table performance on complex queries/views
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 10:46:57 -0500
Message-ID: <>
(Sorry for forwarding to the list, Lothar, but my email was rejected by your spam filter!)
On 2016/09/13 09:10, Lothar Flatz wrote:
> As I thought. Trying to be flexible, by adding column value rows rather than extension Tables . Bad Idea, bad design.
> How about caching? Result cache is your easiest, but not your only option.
Interesting! I haven't used result cache in anything production-worthy, but I think its strength is in dealing with relatively static data. This is an OLTP (hybrid) ERP system. The queries I've seen are for a specific document, item, order, etc. e.g.:
SELECT * FROM obnoxious_view WHERE order = 26542; SELECT * FROM obnoxious_view WHERE order = 54699; SELECT * FROM obnoxious_view WHERE order = 12811;
Oh how I wish the SELECTs on those views were this simple....
By the nature of the tasks this software is supposed to do, the norm would be that those order numbers in the SELECTs above would rarely be duplicated, which would negate the effectiveness of the result cache.
Thanks for the ideas! I wonder if my time would be better spent trying to explain why the vendor's software leaves a lot to be desired... [sigh]
-- on Tue Sep 13 2016 - 17:46:57 CEST