RE: More Support woes!

From: bill thater <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 05:58:30 -0800
Message-ID: <-5273005249855331637_at_unknownmsgid>

The few times I've had to esculate support has been spectacular, thanks all,

sent from my Windows Phone
Bill"shrek" thater Oracle DBA
"one ping to rule them all
One ping to find them
One ping to bring them all
And in the mutex bind them!"
From: Nuno Souto
Sent: 11/27/2013 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: More Support woes!
On 27/11/2013 1:23 AM, Niall Litchfield wrote:

> The process is extremely clear. You call - choose the option to update
> your SR and then when you get a human being ask for the SR to be
> escalated.

Hmmm... so if you are in Australia, 12 hours away in wall clock time, how do you call and where?
Because the very few times I've tried to call anyone, I got essentially crickets...

This is yet another support UI bungle. If a customer deems that a call needs to be escalated, then it should be a simple matter of setting a toggle or option in the call. It's then up to support to find out if it is genuine or not.

Last time I looked, it was the customer paying for support. Not the other way around - although that is becoming more common. As such, it is perfectly kosher for a customer to want an improvement to perceived service without having to do a retinal scan and a family background search to get it!

Been a long time since I've had to escalate anything as support has been exemplar for us in the last 3-4 years.
Of course: since we refused to buy into the Exa*/Sun* bandwagon earlier this year, it's spiraled down.
Pure coincidence, I'm sure!... :(

The last one is an intermittent problem with rman, with one of the worker tasks randomly going into a cpu spin and hanging the backup. Workaround is killing the background process and letting rman restart it. But of course since backups tend to happen in the wee hours, it's not practical to be sitting at a screen waiting to kill spinning processes. Getting support to understand the problem and start digging? On its way to second week now...

Call Warticki? Not on your life! Heck, is he *still* there? :)

Received on Wed Nov 27 2013 - 14:58:30 CET

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