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Oracle-L: by subject
- 10g R2 & OEM
- [Q] How RMAN restore control file from tape?
- Beyond a basic Oracle EXP/IMP shell script: Error Handling & Exit Status?
- Calculating the size of a Long column
- DB Movement from Sun to AIX ?
- dbms_stats on BIG Table giving error out of process memory when trying to allocate 1049100 bytes
- Experience with Virus Scan software of database servers
- Format parms in RMAN not working
- Home selector for Oracle 10g on Windows
- Idle events list
- ORA-1578...block corrupted...error is normal...a block...had a NOLOGGING...operation performed against
- Oracle IRC
- Problems retaining what I study
- Last message date: Sat Aug 20 2005 - 16:31:07 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Apr 23 2006 - 04:30:02 CDT