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Oracle-L: by subject
- ** getting the latest 9i 10g releases
- 10g OCP
- [SPAM] Cute girs seeking love
- [SPAM] Load up early and powerize your portfolio
- [SPAM] Meet new friends and sex partners
- [SPAM] What about their stamina
- Any way to run more than listener on the same port?
- Auditing DBA activities
- Cloning 21 GB Table - Use of Snapshot ? - Review Approach please
- Cloning 21 GB Table - Use of Snapshot ? - Review Approachplease
- Disaster Recovery options
- faster way of doing this?
- High rates? Not with us! low fixed rate
- Import one table
- Managing Oracle and SAP projects are similar enough?
- mview docs
- Oracle 10g/Fedora Core 3 install/ UTF-8
- Oracle listener problems/ environment settings.
- oracle processes monitoring on linux
- Oracle8.1.7 32-bits on AIX5L
- Penny st0ck pr0fi|e in the driver's seat
- Profiler - Orasrp
- session_cached_cursors and ora-07745
- Southern Indiana/Louisville User Group Meeting - www.loug.org
- Tuning SGA
- using variable name in order by
- v$lock question
- What do you call a "JR" DBA position
- Last message date: Wed Mar 23 2005 - 22:14:01 CST
- Archived on: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 22:59:01 CST