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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Profiler - Orasrp
> I noticed on the bottom of one of the notes a reference to Orasrp
> ( It appears to be a new free profiler.
> Has anyone used it and what are your thoughts? How does it compare to the
> Hotsos product?
Below is the list of features of Hotsos Profiler (taken from and my comments for every
feature whether it available in orasrp or not.
> Distinctions of the Hotsos Profiler include:
> Methodical two-step solution path to any problem
Yes. The same in OraSRP.
> Complete, accurate resource profile
Yes, I hope.
> Proper aggregation of shareable SQL
Not yet. It seems that this nice feature will be added in the next
enhancement release.
> Complete accounting of recursive SQL relationships
Not yet. The same as previous feature. I'm planning to add them both
in one version since they are connected to each other.
> Additional information display conveniences
> Hotsos Profiler provides several distinctive information display conveniences that speed the problem diagnosis process, including:
> SQL statement text formatted for easier reading
I'd say 'Yes'.
> Histograms for wait events (I/O, latch, enqueue, etc.) to reveal information about skew in operation durations
'Yes' for I/O, latch, enqueue. 'No' for etc. :)
> Statistics presentation optimized for prioritization of LIO operations
It looks like 'Yes'.
> Statement-level statistics shown both inclusive and exclusive of recursive SQL (tkprof shows only one; which one varies by release)
Yes. Actually there is a case when orasrp doesn't show exclusive
statistics. It happens only when it's the same as inclusive
> Identification of which PIO blocks are managed through the Oracle buffer cache and which are not
> Statement-level statistics shown in per-execute and per-returned-row form for convenient analysis
> Numbers formatted with thousands separators for easier reading
As an additional features of OraSRP I'd like to mention the ability to display results also in text format and ability to work as http server.
-- Egor Free Oracle Session Resource Profiler -- on Wed Mar 23 2005 - 22:48:09 CST