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Oracle-L: by subject
- ** help with database links
- [SPAM] Aggressive invest0rs and traders sh0uld be watching
- [SPAM] Its illegal tO use hacked 0ffce X%SYMBOL_ONEP
- [SPAM] Lowest rate approval
- [SPAM] W!!nd0ws Critical Service Pack 2 update - february 27th
- Anyone tried ORACLE 9iR2 on Redhat 4 (32 bits)?
- Calculating archivedlog file size per day
- demo accounts & auditing
- Distributed transactions (two-phase commint) without DB links
- estimate and warning before executing query
- hot-backup recovery question
- hot-backup recovery question - more data
- I felt the same once
- kopi2_readlen083
- library cache hit ratio > 100%
- Mutating (SQL) execution plan!?...is that possible...stranges t thing I have every seen
- Need suggestion on Hibernate+Oracle
- optimizer rewriting query
- procedure/script for Oracle 10g incremental updated bkup
- RAID 0 for small databases
- Recovering dropped table from READONLY tablespace
- Rush to buy on final count down to lift-off
- SNMP monitoring of Oracle 10g?
- W1ND0WS magaz|ne - great COmputer dea|s
- x$ksmlru question
- Last message date: Mon Mar 14 2005 - 22:48:28 CST
- Archived on: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 22:59:01 CST