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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: library cache hit ratio > 100%
James Howerton wrote:
>Has anyone seen library cache hit ratio > 100% ??? This is a very busy
>production database, it is usually < 97 % ( I don't tune by hit ratios
>I'm just curious).
> from v$librarycache;
>Library Hit Ratio
> 100.009799
>1 row selected.
This is a well known bug from 8i: all quantities in X$ tables are 32-bit
and when the database is
busy enough, those quantities can turn negative. That is how you get
negative reloads. That was
limiting usefulness of statspack on 8i, too.Don't worry, be happy,
you're living in the database tuner's
paradise: BCHR>100%. What else can you ask for?
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA Ext. 121 -- on Mon Mar 14 2005 - 16:28:01 CST