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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Calculating archivedlog file size per day
There is one interesting bit of information stored in the "alert.log" that,
to my knowledge, is not stored anywhere within the database, and that is a
record of the assignment of a log sequence# to an online log group# and
member#(s). This is useful information when calculating how much redo I/O
is occurring on a specific file-system.
on 3/14/05 6:25 AM, Mercadante, Thomas F at wrote:
> He was trying to estimate daily archive log file usage. For a quick
> estimate, yes, I would review the alert log to calculate this.
> I rename my alert log daily, and keep them around for about a week. Who
> edits these files anyway?
-- on Mon Mar 14 2005 - 10:46:51 CST