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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RAC no more HA after upgrading to
after upgrading a two nodes RAC from to I got a
If a node don't see a link up on it's interconnect NIC than it doesn't
give anymore service.
For example, in my environment, when unplugging the interconnect one node is evicted (rightly) but the other one, still up and running, doesn't respond anymore as long as the interconnect link is down. If I replug the cable the instance is back working again.
It means I cannot reboot one of the two nodes anymore since the other
would stop working.
In previous RAC version the behaviour was different and RAC guaranteed
high availability (sort of).
Is anyone experience the same issue?
Has anyone tried to unplug the crosscable or turn off the interconnect
switch in a
What's the result?
Any feedback is welcome.
-- on Tue Feb 01 2005 - 03:08:39 CST