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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: database server patch
I cannot say much for Windows, but is very stable on both Linux and Solaris.
Please note that I said "very stable", not just "stable". As a matter of fact,
some problems with OCI were resolved by the and it didn't make any trouble
since then. It's the most boring release so far, it hasn't caused any excitement, it
obediently does what the proverbial manual says it should, nothing more, nothing less.
With I've hat problems with LOB's. Here is an excerpt from my last communication
with Oracle Support:
"Hi Mladen,
This looks like Bug:3110501 OERI:[kdlfkd-7] possible on stream write to a LOB segment Stream write to a LOB segment (including temporary lobs) can fail with ORA-600[kdlfkd-7].
Fixed-Releases: 9205 10g"
I installed and I haven't had any reasons for contacting the nice people from Oracle Support since then. My LOB's are performing as they should.
Thanks, Rodica
On 05/10/2004 09:12:13 AM, "O'Neill, Sean" wrote:
> We are currently using Oracle on Windows 2000 and are considering
> applying patch set but would like to verify its stability first.
> Has anybody applied the Oracle database server patch set? Any
> feedback or issues with this patch set?
> Normally I would wait a bit longer after the patch set release date
> (01-April in this case) but project timelines are pushing earlier
> consideration.
> In brief, would you recommend applying the patch set now or waiting until a
> later date?
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