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Oracle-L: by subject
- [Q] SQLPLUS still on 10G client !!!
- Composite indices and skip scanning
- CPU upgrade,how much CPU usage reduction to expect?
- deciding which query plan to use
- Deinstalling via OUI
- dynamic dynamic sql within a procedure - ora_00911
- escape column name
- Fat Pig Replication
- Have I been asleep that long? (Was: Dallas/Tokyo DBA opp)
- IOUG-A Live get-together
- MAX nodes cluster software support RAC on SUN Solaris and Lin ux?
- MAX nodes cluster software support RAC on SUN Solaris and Linux?
- ORA-J00X
- Oracle options install instructions
- Oracle/PHP Issue
- order of rows when selecting from table of
- RMAN Recovery without Catalog
- SQL to retrieve all distinct records
- virtual circuit wait/shared server
- Last message date: Thu Apr 15 2004 - 23:52:13 CDT
- Archived on: Mon Apr 23 2007 - 09:30:04 CDT