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Oracle-L: by subject
- * Oracle 11i DBA position in Wisconsin..
- Advantage of Standby Database in 9i vs 8i
- ALTER TABLE MOVE command causes table to grow
- Call for Presentations RMOUG Training Days 2003
- Cannot see parallel hint in outline?
- Changing sysdate - Problem resolved
- character set information
- conversation between EWeek and SQL Server Vice Presid
- conversation between EWeek and SQL Server Vice President Gord
- Copy one user's table to another user's table
- Database Desgin book/migration from informix to oracle
- dbwr high count of threads
- Decode
- Detect long running jobs where user shuts down their
- Detect long running jobs where user shuts down their work
- Detect long running jobs where user shuts down their workstation.
- gathering history v$ to predict system change
- generate insert statement ???
- Idle Connections
- Index table last update?
- Ioug meeting or HOTSOS Seminar
- Mass inserts from TCL ?
- methodology to keep only certain programs to connect to
- Migration Assistant Speeds
- Misinformation Ranting
- Misinformation Ranting)
- mixed case text
- Nasty bug in (was: Oracle and Cache Hit Ratio based train
- Need Oracle education material
- ORA-04031
- Oracle 9.2 - MS PROXY 2.0
- Oracle 9i vs 8i
- Oracle Version on Unix
- OT: Misinformation Ranting
- OT:conversation between EWeek and SQL Server Vice President Gordon Mangione
- Problem upgrading Oracle 8.1.7 on MS2000
- RBO/CBO question
- Recover an unrecoverable database
- RMAN backup to remote dir. - how ?
- Satisfied customer
- Sqlloader problem
- SYSDBA privilege with ORAPWD utility
- Timeout while obtaining an oracle connection lock
- User-defined functions in WHEN clause of a trigger
- using obfuscation
- View Locks
- Last message date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 02:11:12 CDT
- Archived on: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 10:46:12 CDT