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Oracle-L: by subject
- Aponte, Tony (Mon Apr 22 2002 - 15:07:41 CDT)
- Toepke, Kevin M (Mon Apr 22 2002 - 11:23:45 CDT)
- (no subject)
- Anything new from IOUG?
- Anything new from IOUG? + "OWI" Born!! (Anjo/Mogens, please n
- AW: data cleansing question
- AW: Free Open source PL/SQL Editors / DB management tools
- char vs. varchar2
- Compare (diff) Oracle DB and MS-SQLServer DB
- Currval and buffer gets
- data cleansing question
- DB2/UDB mailing list
- Design question: EFFECTIVE_?_DATE in a RATE table...
- executing a stored procedure at a certain time
- Execution plan optimizer Question
- Free Open source PL/SQL Editors / DB management tools
- Free Open source PL/SQL Editors / DB management tools - THANX !
- function based index
- Hello Everybody ! I have found the List and looking foward t
- Hello Everybody ! I have found the List and looking foward to it
- Install oracle on redhat 7.2 on pentium IV
- ioug-a question
- Kernal Parameters for HP-UX 11.0 (Oracle 8.1.7)
- Long time for Batch Processing
- MySQL vs. Oracle database
- obsolete parameter in 9i
- ORA-03113
- ora-4031- Advice on what to look at next time
- Oracle 8i Post Migration - dba_free_space Output
- Oracle licensing
- OT: Windows Patches and Oracle
- Parallel load direct path
- Patch Install ( and oraInventory
- refcursor rowcount check
- Saving down time on Install
- Scheduling for Statspack
- Security Hole
- set current_schema & PLS-00201
- SQL giving problem over the database link
- System applying grants
- What is truth?
- White papers on industry trends
- Last message date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 23:38:23 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Dec 31 2006 - 12:50:07 CST