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Oracle-L: by subject
- Add Instance
- Brainbench Oracle certifications
- bytes per extent
- cache buffer chains contention
- Change language need help
- comming down the pipe
- Currently log-in users
- disk subsystem performance question
- Do you use Rman
- Does index need rebuilding when table is truncated
- empty string = null?
- Exchanging partition takes a lot of times
- Favorite Urban Myth
- Favourite Urban Myth
- How to determine number of freelists
- How to Find Every View In Which a Column is Used.
- init file ???
- insert performance
- IOUG conference get together
- IOUG Get-together
- Is DATAFILE order important in CREATE CONTROLFILE?
- migrate from 8i to 9i
- move database to new server and higher version of same 8.1.7
- No DBAs needed on AS400
- NVARCHAR2 datatype and FK. Bug???? Feature ????
- OEM Error On Unix
- ORACLE 9i doesn't start on Linux
- Oracle to DB2 books?
- OT: Oracle to DB2 books?
- package in sqlarea
- Parameters Question
- Phoee, Find views with column name
- PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_AQ' must be declared
- PX Deq: Table Q qref
- redo_size values in v$sysstat
- Submit job last day of each month
- subtract minute from date/time
- svrmgrl vs. sqlplus
- test
- Utl_file
- Last message date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 23:28:19 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Dec 31 2006 - 12:50:06 CST