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Oracle-L: by subject
- 8.0.5 --> 8.1.7 apps upgrade
- [Fwd: ORA-00600 error]
- another listener.ora
- Connecting to Oracle via Perl
- Creating staging area from Windows client
- Database shut itself down
- DB Trigger to control PK change
- DBA's supporting CERNER
- Do programmers tune SQL?
- Dynamic create and execute procedure
- EMC question
- Follow-up :Long running SQL Problem?
- help - JVM on Oracle
- Help needed
- How to use Email server in 9iAS.
- Insert statement hangs
- License standby database?
- Literal SQL and sys.dual
- Long running SQL Problem?
- max_open_cursors
- ORA-00600 error
- ORA-00600 error [729]
- ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
- Oracle Step-by-Step Guide feedback
- OT: Anti-Unix Web site goes off-line after switch to Windows 2000
- Pinhitratio vs gethitratio
- Planning/Arranging tables common to multiple applications on one
- problems in oracle report
- RMAN Core dumps while restoring datafile
- Slightly OT: Perl Q.
- SQL Server vs. Oracle 9i
- sysdba
- technet download problem
- Ticket tracking system
- trace external procedure listener
- Trigger question
- Trouble ticketing system
- Unix at command ???
- who compiled this proc
- Last message date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 23:48:19 CST
- Archived on: Sun Dec 31 2006 - 12:50:06 CST