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Oracle-L: by subject
- 8.1.6 support cut off?
- 8.1.7/HP-UX 11/Package Question
- 8.1.7/HP-UX 11/Package Question #2
- [Fwd: Help scheduling Hot Backup on NT...]
- A "modification time" question
- A high-availability question (standby , replication o
- A high-availability question (standby , replication or ....)
- Allow only certain ports for sql*net traffic
- An icon of the Geek world retires
- An SQL question , not easy ;-)
- AW: Slow sql
- Can a SYSTEM tablespace be locally managed.
- changing long col to varchar and vice versa
- characterset problem
- Checking Oracle user Process in unix
- CLOB field question
- Comment on 'Practical Oracle 8i'
- Comment on 'Practical Oracle 8i']
- computer history stories - Now: IQ, etc.
- Datafile Migration Tool
- Deep Doo-Doo
- Deferred constraints (?)
- Delete followed by Select Count(1) - SLOW
- Diffs in SQL*Plus formatting between 8/8i
- Disk Names - sdXX vs. cXtXdXsX
- Help scheduling Hot Backup on NT...
- ignore this test
- Index space not freed when rows deleted?
- is C compiler a must for oracle UNIX installations ?
- JRE link question
- Lost of all Control Files
- Migrating IMS to Oracle
- No TNSListner service after install 8.1.7 on Win 2k
- No TNSListner service after intall 8.1.7 on Win 2k
- NT: howto create a listener service
- OEM change manager
- Open World Entertainment
- Openworld Abstracts
- Oracle DBA Needed in Greensboro,
- Oracle DBA Needed in Greensboro, North Carolina..
- Oracle/SAP DBA Needed in Clifton, New Jersey..
- OT - Vaccines
- OT -- training
- OT: cryptography speech
- Performance Problem...
- Please Help - ora error
- Q about Oracle Optimizer
- query performance
- Question about Oracle Portal Reports
- RAID or NOT to RAID? What's the diff???
- rman/standby
- Rollback after truncate?? + 2 more questions :-)
- Running sql script from stored procedure
- Slow sql
- Speed up Truncate tables - rebuild index
- Tuning an Oracle/Unix file system - Sun/OS 5.6 Oracle v8.1.7.2
- UNCUT ORACLE-L The Motion Picture
- Urgent Pls Help
- Usage of Number type for table columns
- Usage of Number type for table columns - Thanks to all
- user holding session even after a re-boot
- VB vs. JAVA
- Ways to improve speediness of truncate, drop, coalesce
- What file(s) does Oracle read in deciding what has been insta
- What file(s) does Oracle read in deciding what has been installed.
- Which view maintain droped constraint record?
- xml v tools
- Last message date: Thu Aug 16 2001 - 23:34:33 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 15:58:30 CST