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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Slow sql
It can if you table holds in excess of 50 million rows...the time to
calculate the
statistics grows with the size of the tables. Although I think you can ask
it to
compute statistics on an average of data within a table.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 16 August 2001 15:54
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Yesterday I had a developer complain about a SQL select statment with subquery that was taking 10 minutes to run. I fixed it by generating new statistics:
It took about an hour and a half to run on this particular table but now the query takes 30 seconds. Give it a try on all the tables in your SQL if you're using cost-based optimizer. It can't hurt.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 5:46 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hallo you DBA'¨s
Can anyonetell me why this insert statement takes 30-40 minutes to run? What can I do to make it go faster?
insert into varukorgtemp ( varukorgid, ean, anvandarid, lagstapris, varutyp, varunamn, strl, leverantor, varumarke, sortiment,vgrp,vare_snr,varenr,levnr )
SELECT PBK.VARUKORGEANREL.varukorgid, rik2.vare.ean_nr, 'rsm' , PBK.VARUKORGEANREL.lagstapris, 0, rik2.vare.varenavn, rik2.vare.str, rik2.lev.navn, rik2.vare.hylletxt2,rik2.vare.sortiment,rik2.art_hierarki.vgrp,
pbk.varukorgeanrel.vare_snr,pbk.varukorgeanrel.varenr,pbk.varukorgeanrel.lev nr
FROM PBK.VARUKORGEANREL,rik2.vare,rik2.lev,rik2.art_hierarki WHERE PBK.VARUKORGEANREL.varukorgid= 39 AND PBK.VARUKORGEANREL.ean=rik2.vare.ean_nr AND RIK2.VARE.ARTNR=RIK2.ART_HIERARKI.ARTNR AND rik2.vare.levnr=rik2.lev.levnr AND rik2.vare.selskap='11' AND rik2.vare.vare_snr=pbk.varukorgeanrel.vare_snr AND pbk.varukorgeanrel.varenr=rik2.vare.varenr AND pbk.varukorgeanrel.levnr=rik2.vare.levnr AND rik2.art_hierarki.sett_id=2
Roland Sköldblom
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