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- (1): OOW presentations
- (Fwd) trojan cleaner utilities [windows client]
- 8.1.7 Installation Redux
- ADMIN: List status, bounces, archives
- age discrimination in IT industry
- autoextent??
- Automatic line number needed in the output of select statement
- backup, recovery web site ?
- closing DB on NT with a scheduled BATCH FILE
- CODE to trap an update statement in PL*SQL that updates 0
- CODE to trap an update statement in PL*SQL that updates 0 rows
- completely off-topic question...
- Convert Access to Oracle
- Convert Access to Oracle - Nevermind...
- Copying table with LONG column
- cron job in solaris
- data migration from access to oracle.
- Designer 2000 install on Linux
- Designer Reminder, Please.
- Environment parameters/upgrade
- Extent's datafile.
- here again - What does ANALYZE do ??
- I was thrown out of the list
- IE v5.5 cleaner???
- import fails with referentail integrity constraint violation
- index status
- Is Oracle8.1.7 certified for NT4.0 ?
- Is there any place(except AUDIT LOG) to see the activities
- is there any way to see when my table data updated?
- karma
- karma - DBD module
- List slow today?
- More Partition attached to a synonym.
- multimaster replication
- NEW To Oracle - Please Help For Setting Up New Instance
- NOVELL Digest ...
- NT/RAID/Oracle
- O/S copies of datafiles
- OOW Presentations
- Optimizer Mode......how to choose the right one?
- Oracle 8.1.7 client install on Win2K.
- Oracle DBA Needed in Cleveland, Ohio..
- oracle/nt-5 (last)
- oracle/nt1
- oracle/nt2
- oracle/nt3
- oracle/nt4
- Oracle8i eBoot Camp
- OT ADMIN: List status, bounces, archives
- OT Dorothy Parker :)
- OT: Klipsh
- OT: List slow today?
- OT:I was thrown out of the list
- Partition attached to SYNONYM
- Password_verify_function in 8.1.6 doesn't allow ALTER USER ID
- Password_verify_function in 8.1.6 doesn't allow ALTER USER IDENTI
- RAID or NOT to RAID?
- Recall: Extent's datafile.
- Recovery without backup.
- Redo Generation - Excessive ?
- resized time of datafile
- REVISIT: FK Constraint naming.
- row length
- SGA info.
- SOLVED: Copying table with LONG column (using copy getting ORA-01
- Some doubts)
- stored procedure errors
- Table Fragmentation - Please Help - Urgent
- table lock problem?
- Temporary tablespace questions...
- Unix Client Install
- Unix Client Install - OraInventory
- urgent please
- urgent please! dont worry solved it;
- What does ANALYZE do?
- Whatever became of "ORAC"
- Last message date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 23:30:48 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 15:58:30 CST