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Oracle-L: by subject
- (Fwd) $1 Billion Savings Gets Even Less Likely For Oracle
- 1/2 control file failure - will database halt?
- 32bit vs 64bit (was: Just like Christmas)
- 8.1.7 Patches
- [ANNOUNCE] Orac-1.2.3.tar.gz Perl/Tk Perl DBI Oracle DBA and Development Tool
- Anybody using Network Appliance Storage boxes with Oracle?
- Anybody using Network Applicance Storage boxes with
- Anybody using Network Applicance Storage boxes with Oracl
- But all is not gloom and doom for Oracle...
- Calling a script/other program from a stored procedure
- Data into another table
- DBA Job at a Chocolate Factory
- dbms_obfuscation package
- Device busy - HELP
- dynamic sql questions
- Easy Doubt in sql/plus
- EMC TimeFinder, and EMC TimeFinder vs Hot Standby
- Find special characters in the database
- FK Constraints
- Free Oracle DBA tests on the web
- identifying shared memory segments
- import/export
- Insert without telling column names
- ITL and possible deadlocks
- Locking
- LONG fields within triggers.
- LONG vs CLOB (Was: LONG fields within triggers.)
- Make a character format from number format
- multiple instance
- NLS_DATE_FORMAT not effective..help!
- OFF TOPIC: DBA Job at a Chocolate Factory
- oracle training
- Oracle Version for New Database
- OT -- A humorous reply to the Canada rulz
- OT -- Canada Rules! / Chocolate ...
- OT -- Canada Rules! / Texas drools...
- OT: Rachel in Vietnam
- Rachel and Willie Wonka go to the Chocolate Factory.
- Rachel in Vietnam??
- RMAN Backup and Recovery
- SGA Parameters ...
- Shared pool 'perm' behaviour
- Single Code Table or Separate Code tables dilemma
- sorry
- SQLCode in 8i
- sqlplus hanging on exit
- SUN vs. HP
- Updating table2 from table1
- What does "data block" in report.txt stand for?
- Why is there air?
- Last message date: Wed Mar 21 2001 - 22:58:05 CST
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 07:55:31 CST