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Oracle-L: by subject
- 8.0 / 8i Bang for the Buck Features
- 8.0.5 to 8i upgrade
- [Q] why sequence number jump?
- bitmap index problem
- Change tablespace for Local Index Partition
- Comparison between BMC Patrol and some other performance tool
- Connected users ??
- Dropping datafiles
- error 356 log corruption
- error after creating second database
- Experiences with AIX and NIS+
- export/import
- guidance for career in US as D.B.A.
- How to backup entire db?
- how to compile the object type in oracle 8i
- how to compile these object in oracle 8i
- How to kill Oracle 7 processes in Open-VMS (STOP /ID command
- How to know which are the snapshots suposed to be getting ref
- How to know which are the snapshots suposed to be getting refreshed from master?
- Imp abnormally terminated without errors.
- Insert &
- long row
- NUMBER datatype
- ODBC version errors
- Off Topic - PKZIP
- Off-Topic OAS, IAS, and Apache
- OPS on RS6000
- Oracle Compiler Bug? (+) symbol in Decode Allowed?
- Oracle Date change
- Oracle DBA Needed in Oklahoma City..
- Oracle Licensing
- Oracle Masters program
- Oracle V9 DB server
- OT: ODBC version errors
- PL/SQL Debug tools
- Please Help: Comparison between BMC Patrol and some other performance tool
- Product for Field level security
- Recommended # of CPUs and MHz
- rename database
- Script for heaven
- Script for INDEX creation
- Script for oracle8i on solaris 2.7
- Script from heaven
- Startup / shutdown using SQLPLUS
- Svrmgrl "connect internal" asks for password??
- ugly trace
- Virus Alert! (yes, you can open this)
- Last message date: Wed Mar 07 2001 - 22:45:36 CST
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 07:55:31 CST