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4 Oracle DBAs Needed in Atlanta- New Requirement

From: OraStaff <>
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 17:20:22 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <>

Industry Leader on the north side of Atlanta, Georgia needs several Oracle DBAs to provide database support in a production environment. These are full time staff positions. No sub-contractors. Candidates local to the Atlanta area are preferred.

This position offers:

NO sub contracting positions available.
*U.S. citizenship or green card holders only PLEASE do not send your resume if you are not in the United States.

For immediate consideration, please send your resume as an attachment to:

OraStaff, Inc.
Ph: 1-800-549-8502-Please do not call if you need sponsorship Email:
Please use job code: Atlanta/DBA/Wilkins/One

Note: This is only one of the many opportunities that we have available across the U.S.=20
for candidates with Oracle skills who are U.S. citizens or permanent=  residents.=20
So if this one is not a match for you, we invite you=20 to send us your resume- as we quite possibly have the opportunity that you are seeking.

We pay referral fees.
So please contact me if you know of anyone who would be qualified/interested in the
posiition=A0described above- if it is not a match for your skills. Thanks,
Bill Law

 From: "Rachid Moutawakkil" <>  Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 23:24:38 -0000
 Subject: SMP performance with oracle 8.1.7 on linux

Has any body experience with oracle 8.1.7 running on Redhat on a Compaq server with 2 CPUs and a SMP kernel 2.2.* ?

The performance on NT on the same machine is much better than under Linuz I'm very sad about this :-)

Or did I just forgot to force oracle to be really multithreaded ? Any suggestion will be very helpful.

 From: Shawn Ferris <>  Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 16:39:22 -0700
 Subject: RE: Not 100% clear on archive switching..

> It seems to me that Oracle switches redo log from the full to the empty for
> archiving purpose.  

Well, the log may or may not be empty but you get the idea. I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually clear the file, it just overwrites it when available. Received on Tue Dec 26 2000 - 16:20:22 CST

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