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Oracle-L: by subject
- ** Oraperl question **
- :what is the meaning of "ad hoc query"?
- [Q] Optimizer_mode and performance?
- Backup Solutions - Veritas, Legato etc
- Can't update table
- Datafile size policy
- DBA Track...
- design suggestions for apprentice
- Drop table not working...Help
- Frequency of Log Switches
- From 8.0.5 to 8.1.5
- Index
- Index organized table as an aggregate table
- Lead Oracle/SQL DBA Needed in Boca/Palm Beach FL area...
- LEGALITY of purchasing Exam Materials USED
- Locally managed tablespaces...
- Locally managed tablespaces...SOLVED!!
- More RMAN questions...
- Naming Conventions at your Shop
- Need sqlplus routine to export/import data on a unix box
- Need sqlplus routine to export/import data on a unix box from
- Off Topic - Citrix: Any Max Limitations?
- Off topic - Command line zipping utility
- OFF TOPIC : Oraperl for WIN2000
- offtopic:rsync on unix
- ORA - 02266 -unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabl
- ORA - 02266 -unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign
- ORA-12709 error while loading create database character set
- Oracle 8i / JSP - Samllest footprint configuration for deployment
- Oracle Discoverer Ramp-up Time
- Personal Lab
- Personal Lab for
- Personal Lab for study purposes...
- Personal Lab for study purposes... SOLVED!!!
- PL/SQL and Java
- Primary keys vs. unique indexes
- Regarding multimaster
- Semaphore Tuning Reference
- TEMP Tablespace
- TKPROF's output
- Was: Oracle 8.1.7 on Linux. - Making sacrifices to the Oracle
- Last message date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 23:15:07 CST
- Archived on: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 00:26:59 CDT