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LISTSERV HELP, ARCHIVES / was Re: getting bounced

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 08:53:57 -0500
Message-Id: <>

> Date sent: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 16:42:21 -0500
> From: "Jan Baumgras, 566 Bldg., 6-0443" <jbaumgras_at_DOW.COM>
> Subject: Re: getting bounced
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

> Archives exist, but I'll have to let someone else tell you how to get them. I
> usually don't bother.
> Jan

:   If you  have  any  question regarding  authorization  to use  the
: ORACLE-L list, please contact the list  owner, whose name and address
: is listed below:

: This server is managed by:
:  Stuart Campbell <SCAMPBEL_at_SBCCVM.BITNET>
: Kathy Hutchinson <KATHYH_at_SBCCVM.BITNET> : Sanjay Kapur <SK_at_SBCCVM.BITNET>
Date:         Wed, 24 Jan 1996 12:12:12 -0500
From:         BITNET list server at SBCCVM (1.8a) <>
Subject:      File: "ORACLE-L FILELIST"
To:           Babare Xavier Roares <MANAGER_at_SSWDSERVER.SSWD.CSUS.EDU>
X-PMFLAGS: 35651712
*  NOTEBOOK archives for the list
*  (Weekly notebook)
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   Remarks
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- --------
  ORACLE-L LOG9310    ALL OWN V      95  3816 93/10/29 10:25:00 Started on Thu,
 30 Sep 1993 17:54:56 +0000
  ORACLE-L LOG9311    ALL OWN V      83  5146 93/11/30 10:56:33 Started on Mon,
 1 Nov 1993 12:22:33 -0500
  ORACLE-L LOG9312    ALL OWN V      81  4702 93/12/29 20:47:16 Started on Wed,
 1 Dec 1993 08:05:44 PST


  ORACLE-L LOG9601B ALL OWN V 83 10498 96/01/14 23:51:23 Started on Wed,  3 Jan 1996 13:40:11 MEZ-1
  ORACLE-L LOG9601C ALL OWN V 87 12097 96/01/21 23:04:23 Started on Mon,  15 Jan 1996 21:28:12 +0200
  ORACLE-L LOG9601D ALL OWN V 85 4397 96/01/23 23:15:07 Started on Sun,  21 Jan 1996 23:02:38 -0500

Date:         Wed, 24 Jan 1996 12:12:13 -0500
From:         BITNET list server at SBCCVM (1.8a) <>
Subject:      Output of your job "MANAGER"
To:           Babare Xavier Roares <MANAGER_at_SSWDSERVER.SSWD.CSUS.EDU>
X-PMFLAGS: 33554560

Summary of resource utilization

 CPU time:        0.564 sec                Device I/O:   193
 Overhead CPU:    0.100 sec                Paging I/O:     4
 CPU model:        9672                    DASD model:  3390


Date:         Thu, 4 Jan 1996 15:34:04 -0500
From:         BITNET list server at SBCCVM (1.8a) <>
Subject:      Rejected posting to ORACLE-L_at_SBCCVM

You are not authorized to mail to list ORACLE-L from your xxxxxxxx_at_SSWDSERVER.SSWD.CSUS.EDU account. You might be authorized to post to the list from another of your accounts or under a slightly different address, but LISTSERV has no way to associate this other account or address with you and is thus rejecting your message. Your message is being returned to you unprocessed. If you have any question regarding authorization to use the ORACLE-L list, please contact the list owner, whose name and address is listed below:


Date:         Mon, 11 Dec 1995 14:33:37 -0500
From:         BITNET list server at SBCCVM (1.8a) <>
Subject:      Output of your job "MANAGER"
To:           Babare Xavier Roares <MANAGER_at_SSWDSERVER.SSWD.CSUS.EDU>

LISTSERV version 1.8a - most commonly used commands

Info      <topic|listname>       Order documentation
Lists     <Detail|Short|Global>  Get a description of all lists
SUBscribe listname <full name>   Subscribe to a list
SIGNOFF   listname               Sign off from a list
SIGNOFF   * (NETWIDE             - from all lists on all servers
REView    listname <options>     Review a list
Query     listname               Query your subscription options
SET       listname  options      Update your subscription options
INDex     <filelist_name>        Order a list of LISTSERV files
GET       filename filetype      Order a file from LISTSERV
REGister  full_name|OFF          Tell LISTSERV about your name

There are more commands (AFD, FUI, PW, etc). Send an INFO REFCARD for a comprehensive reference card, or just INFO for a list of available documentation files.

This server is managed by:
 Stuart Campbell <SCAMPBEL_at_SBCCVM.BITNET>  Kathy Hutchinson <KATHYH_at_SBCCVM.BITNET>  Sanjay Kapur <SK_at_SBCCVM.BITNET>

Summary of resource utilization

 CPU time:        0.046 sec                Device I/O:    10
 Overhead CPU:    0.007 sec                Paging I/O:     6
 CPU model:        3090                    DASD model:  3390

Received on Thu Jan 25 1996 - 14:52:30 CST

Original text of this message