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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> IOUW96 - CALL FOR PAPERS
International Oracle Users Group - Americas 401 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 USA
K N O W L E D G E I S P O W E R !
The International Oracle Users Group - Americas is pleased to offer you the opportunity to submit papers for IOUW '96 to be held in Dallas, Texas, September 15-20 at the Dallas Convention Center. International Oracle User Week (IOUW) has evolved to become the most comprehensive educational and networking event for users of Oracle software and Oracle-related technology. The five-day conference brings together database administrators, developers, designers, third-party suppliers and others focused on professional development in the relational database management systems arena. It is, in short, the top event presented by users expressly for users. All we need is you!
The key to this conference program is your participation. We invite you to submit a paper for presentation and publication at the Dallas conference. If you have technical information to share with your colleagues, if you are using Oracle software in a creative or novel way, if you have managed a challenging Oracle project, or if you have developed an application or technique which you would like to share with your fellow users, this is your opportunity. To participate, you must complete and return the attached form (photocopies are acceptable) by Monday, March 25, 1996.
Note that your complete proposal must be submitted on this form; attachments will not be reviewed. All proposals must be submitted by mail; FAX copies are not acceptable. For instructions and guidelines on completing the form, please carefully read the following information. IOUG-A reserves the right to reject any proposal which does not adhere to these instructions, so please follow them exactly.
If the IOUG-A Education Committee selects your proposal:
You will be admitted to the Conference free of charge (upon submission of your full written paper by the appointed deadline and completion of your presentation at the Conference.) Your paper will be published in the Conference Proceedings. You will have the opportunity to present your paper to Oracle users.
As specified on the following pages, when your proposal is received by IOUG-A, we will send you an acknowledgment. All proposals will be read and reviewed by your peers who serve as members of the IOUG-A Education Committee. After reviewing all applications, notification of presentation acceptance will be forwarded by the IOUG-A Education Committee. We will also send you guidelines to help you prepare your full written paper and presentation. All submissions become the property of IOUG-A.
Play a meaningful role in ensuring a successful IOUW! Complete and mail the attached proposal to:
IOUG-A Education Committee 401 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 USA
Good luck and we hope to hear from you soon!
Michael Corey
Director of Conferences
TIMEFRAMES: Session proposals must be received by T I M E T A B L E
Monday, March 25, 1996 Proposal deadline Monday March 25, 1996 IOUG-A will confirm receipt of your proposal by mailing a confirmation Notification of proposal letter to the primary author as Friday March 29,1996 noted on your proposal by: Proposal review period Friday, March 29, 1996 Monday March 25 to Friday April 19, 1996 Refer to the timetable to the right for other important dates. Notification to speaker Mailed Wednesday May 1, 1996REIMBURSEMENT: Speakers are required to cover all travel expenses and must make their own hotel arrangements as directed in conference mailings. Primary authors will receive a complimentary registration only if they turn in their papers by Wednesday, July 3, 1996.
(In the case of multiple presenters, only the primary author will receive the complimentary registration.)
REVIEW PROCEDURE: The IOUG-A Education Committee will review all of the proposals that are submitted for consideration. The papers are selected in terms of their relevance to current industry issues, technical accuracy and content to help fill a variety of quality program topics. In addition, the committee will consider presentation experience.
As always, promotion of products or services during these presentations will not be accepted. These are educational sessions, not sales pitches.
Each presentation is slotted for a (1) one-hour presentation at IOUW.
PLATFORM: If you presentation relates to only one or two specific hardware platforms, please mark those in the column. If your presentation is generic with respect to operating system, mark "NON-SPECIFIC".
EXPERTISE: Indicate whether you will target your presentation to Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced Oracle users.
FUNCTION: Indicate whether your presentation will be appropriate for database administrators, designers, developers, managers, and/or end-users.
PRESENTATION TRACK: Implementation Story - This presentation should discuss a unique process and/or technique utilized in the implementation of a Oracle-based system. The presentation should discuss the business requirements and processes utilized to implement the solution. The "successful" and "not so successful" techniques utilized should be discussed to enhance the applicability in similar situations.
DBA Topics - The presentation should discuss a unique process and/or technique that would be of interest to other DBAs, including database tuning and performance, installation and upgrading, and any unique utilities you have discovered.
Distributed Computing Environment - Description of an application or technique utilizing distributed databases to include discussions of methodologies, SQL*Net, and/or Oracle Servers.
Methodology/CASE - Computer Assisted System Engineering (CASE) has always held great promise to increase the productivity and acceptability of systems. The presentation should discuss general issues relating to the design of a RDBMS. The presentation should detail theoretical and/or practical implementation of CASE into the software development lifecycle.
Developer/2000 - Description of an application involving a unique approach to on-line development, an unusual use of the Developer/2000 suite of tools, or advanced implementation of Developer/2000 features (e.g., triggers, user exits, GUI portability).
Tools - Oracle has always had a wide assortment of tools to use, from data transfers between systems (i.e. Oracle Loader), GUI development tools (i.e. Oracle Card) and many more tools including 3rd party tools (i.e. Powerbuilder, Visual Basic). The presentation should include a description of a tool or application using a tool. A description of the approach to development and any techniques used in implementing the technology should also be discussed.
Tips and Techniques - Discussion of a method or an approach to programming with Oracle which results in more effective or efficient code, resource utilization, or productivity.
Oracle Applications - Discussion of the installation, implementation and use of Oracle Applications, including Oracle Financials, Oracle Manufacturing and Oracle Human Resources.
Management - Managing in an ever-changing environment requires a thorough understanding of the technology and its hurdles. The discussion should center on management issues such as the benefits and pitfalls of downsizing, client/server technology, rightsizing, or any other management issue.
Decision Support - The need for information is growing exponentially every year. To keep up with this, organizations are pushing decision making down the ladder. How do we keep pace with the need for information? The presentation should cover a method or the implementation of decision support software.
3rd Party - Presentations must highlight the non-Oracle tools that interface to RDBMS. Topics should cover how specific tools were used in implementations, or incorporated into application or database solutions.
Master/Expert - Are you a master in a particular Oracle-related field? A discussion in this track should center around advanced topics that require considerable experience in Oracle product(s) or the computing field.
Data Warehousing - As the hottest topic in corporate IS organizations today, presentation should reflect the techniques and methodologies at work in this challenging arena, showing the potential tools and solutions that are available today.
3. Presentation Experience: Provide your presentation experience.
4. Presentation References: Provide your presentation references from
your response to #3.
5. Title: Provide the title of your presentation. This title will
appear in the conference agenda as you list it here. Please try to keep your title both concise and descriptive.
For example: Distributed Processing and Database Configurations
for Optimizing Performance
NOTE: Provide your title in Upper- and Lower-case letters.
6. Objective: Describe what you expect your audience to learn from
your presentation. For example:
This presentation will provide the audience with both theoretical and practical information which will help them design and implement distributed databases in a real-world environment. Included in the discussion will be a set of performance benchmarks that an attendee can take back to his/her own installation to help with the distributed database tuning and configuration process.
7. Abstract: Provide a concise, clear description of the content of
your presentation. Describe your topic, the key points you will cover, and the conclusion or generalizations to be drawn. For example:
Distributed processing configurations can provide improved performance compared with applications tuning on a single platform . This presentation provides the results of performance test of distributed processing and distributed data configurations. Using a "well-tuned" database installation on a single platform as a baseline, the effects of various client-server and distributed data options will be examined to determine which configurations contribute to improved performance.
In order for your proposal to be considered for presentation at IOUW, you MUST provide all the information requested on both sides of this form. Your proposal will be judged solely on the information which appears on this form. Your past presentation experience and identity will be known by the judges, as this will be factored into the decision-making process. If your proposal is accepted, the information you provide in the abstract area will appear in the conference program.
Please return this completed form on or before Monday, March 25, 1996 to:
IOUG-A Education Committee 401 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 USA
LAST NAME:__________________________________________ FIRST NAME:_____________________________________________ JOB TITLE:___________________________________________ COMPANY NAME:_________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________ CITY:________________________________ STATE/PROVINCE:___________________________ ZIP/POSTAL CODE:___________ COUNTRY:___________________________ PHONE: (DAY) _____________________________ FAX:___________________________ INTERNET ADDRESS:______________________________________ COMPUSERVE ID:_____________________________________
LAST NAME:_______________________________________ FIRST NAME:______________________________________ COMPANY NAME:______________________________________________________
2. PRESENTATION PROFILE: (Please check at least one per category.)
PLATFORM EXPERTISE ______ UNIX ______ Advanced (5 yrs or more) ______ DOS/Windows/NT ______ Intermediate (2-4 years) ______ Open VMS ______ Beginner (1 year or less) ______ MVS/VM ______ Macintosh ______ OracleWare ______ non-specific FUNCTION PRESENTATION TRACK _____ DBA ______ Implementation Story
______ DBA Topic
_____ Designers ______ Distributed Computing
______ Methodology/CASE
_____ Developers ______ Developer/2000
______ Tips and Techniques
_____ Managers ______ Tools
______ Oracle Applications
______ Management
______ Decision Support
______ Master/Expert
______ Data Warehousing
______ 3rd Party
______ Other
3. PRESENTATION EXPERIENCE: Indicate whether you've given this, or
similar presentations. If yes, please indicate where and when, and if this version contains new and/or updated information.
1.___________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________
that the IOUG-A may contact regarding your speaking experience. (List name, address, phone & fax numbers & Internet address.)
1.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
5. PRESENTATION TITLE (as it will appear in the Conference Program):
6. OBJECTIVE (What will the listener learn from your presentation?)
Please type or print neatly:
7. ABSTRACT (A brief description of what you will present) Please type
or print neatly:
INTERNATIONAL ORACLE USERS GROUP - AMERICAS 1996 CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS NOTE: At this time, the IOUG-A is unable to accept completed forms via electronic mail. We hope this situation changes, and, if and when it does, we will repost this form with appropriate instructions. In the interim, please mail us back completed forms at the above address in Chicago.
The IOUG-A is developing a Speaker's Bureau for its Alliance Groups and SIGs. This Speaker's Bureau will provide names of authors, along with their areas of expertise, for use with local meetings and newsletters. As a potential speaker, would you like to be listed with the Speaker's Bureau?
YES ______ NO ______
Rec'd ____________ Scanned __________
Abstract Paper Staff Number Number Initials ________ ________ ________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
_____ ________ / ___|Tony Jambu, Database Consultant /_ _ /_ __ / |Wizard Consulting,Aust (ACN 065934778) /(_)/ )(_/ \_/(///(/_)/_( |CIS: FAX: +61-3-4163559 \_______/ | PHONE: +61-3-4122905Received on Sun Jan 21 1996 - 18:01:27 CST
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