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Re: PL/SQL problem - beginner question
Re: PL/SQL problem - beginner question
I had some problems with PL/SQL blocks that reference db links until I ran
the script CATRPC.SQL. That seemed to fix my problem.
| From: ORACLE database mailing list.
| To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L; Spence, Mary M.
| Subject: PL/SQL problem - beginner question
| Date: Thursday, January 18, 1996 4:15PM
| DATE: Jan 18 15:37:26 1996 -05:00 relative to GMT
| X400-Recipients:
| O=GPC; S=Spence; G=Mary; I=M
| IPMessageID: 199601182050.PAA12572(a)
| FROM: ORACLE database mailing list.
| AUTHORIZED: R Glenn Stauffer
| TO: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
| SUBJECT: PL/SQL problem - beginner question
| REPLY TO: ORACLE database mailing list.
| IMPORTANCE: normal
| X-To: "ORACLE database mailing list. (oracle)"
| I am working with a small PL/SQL program to automate some database updates
| for a monitoring system I have and am running into what I know is a very
| basic problem, but for which I am not finding the answer (still looking,
| So, if this is an easy one and someone could at least point me in the
| direction, I would appreciate it very much.
| The following code opens a cursor for loop that reads the host names from
| the dba_db_links table. Within the loop, I am attempting to update
| local tables with data from the remote hosts. In my SQL statement that
| performs the update, I am referencing the host field to populate a field
| the local table and in the database link reference. The program fails and
| tells me that the link, DB_REC.HOST doesn't exist indicating that PL/SQL
| is not attempting to resolve the variable name as I have placed it in
| the SQL statement. I tried prefixing the variable name with ':', but get
| the message that the bind variable isn't declared.
| It may be that I need to call the update SQL statement as a procedure.
| Or is there another way.
| Thanks for any help,
| Glenn Stauffer
| ------------------ CODE FOLLOWS ------------------------------
| CURSOR db_cur IS
| select host from dba_db_links;
| FOR db_rec IN db_cur
| insert into files
| (db_nm,
| ts,
| check_date,
| file_nm,
| blocks)
| select
| upper(,
| tablespace_name,
| trunc(sysdate),
| file_name,
| blocks
| from;
| commit;
| END;
Received on Fri Jan 19 1996 - 20:35:33 CST
Original text of this message