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Oracle-L: by subject
- CDE Tools for Power MAC
- checking of variables that are recorded twice
- Choose a datafiles size
- Dallas to host International Oracle User Week (IOUW) '96
- E-Mailing Reports
- Eliminating Duplicates in a table using SQL
- grant access to users in sqlmenu5?
- How many levels or redo mirroring ?
- HP and Oracle Cooperativ
- List of Universities Using Oracle
- Major GPF Problem in Dev2K v1.2
- Menu problems in Forms 4.5
- Oracle and MS-Access sequence problems
- Oracle and MS-Access sequence problems -Reply
- PL/SQL cursor for loop (trying to update
- PL/SQL problem - beginner question
- Pop-up window problem on
- Pop-up window problem on Forms 4.5
- Quality of Oracle CBT courses
- Quality of Oracle CBT courses -Reply
- Reply to SQLDBA sessions
- Session cleanup
- Snapshots for LONG, workaround ?
- SQL question on to_date function
- SQLDBA sessions
- user groups; on CompuServe go ORAUSER
- Using Database Link in Pro*C pgm
- Last message date: Fri Jan 19 1996 - 05:39:03 CST
- Archived on: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 10:02:16 CST