Table Fragmentation

When rows are not stored contiguously, or if rows are split onto more than one block, performance decreases because these rows require additional block accesses.
Note that table fragmentation is different from file fragmentation. When a lot of DML operations are applied on a table, the table will become fragmented because DML does not release free space from the table below the HWM.
HWM is an indicator of USED BLOCKS in the database. Blocks below the high water mark (used blocks) have at least once contained data. This data might have been deleted. Since Oracle knows that blocks beyond the high water mark don't have data, it only reads blocks up to the high water mark when doing a full table scan.
DDL statement always resets the HWM.
How to find table fragmentation?
SQL> select count(*) from big1; 1000000 rows selected. SQL> delete from big1 where rownum <= 300000; 300000 rows deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> update big1 set object_id = 0 where rownum <=350000; 342226 rows updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCOTT','BIG1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Table size (with fragmentation)
SQL> select table_name,round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 72952kb
Actual data in table:
SQL> select table_name,round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 30604.2kb
Note = 72952 - 30604 = 42348 Kb is wasted space in table
The difference between two values is 60% and Pctfree 10% (default) - so, the table has 50% extra space which is wasted because there is no data.
How to reset HWM / remove fragemenation?
For that we need to reorganize the fragmented table.
We have four options to reorganize fragmented tables:
1. alter table ... move + rebuild indexes
2. export / truncate / import
3. create table as select ( CTAS)
4. dbms_redefinition
Option: 1 "alter table ... move + rebuild indexes"
SQL> alter table BIG1 move; Table altered. SQL> select status,index_name from user_indexes 2 where table_name = 'BIG1'; STATUS INDEX_NAME -------- ------------------------------ UNUSABLE BIGIDX SQL> alter index bigidx rebuild; Index altered. SQL> select status,index_name from user_indexes 2 where table_name = 'BIG1'; STATUS INDEX_NAME -------- ------------------------------ VALID BIGIDX SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCOTT','BIG1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select table_name,round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 38224kb SQL> select table_name,round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 30727.37kb
Option: 2 “Create table as select”
SQL> create table big2 as select * from big1; Table created. SQL> drop table big1 purge; Table dropped. SQL> rename big2 to big1; Table renamed. SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCOTT','BIG1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select table_name,round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 85536kb SQL> select table_name,round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 68986.97kb SQL> select status from user_indexes 2 where table_name = 'BIG1'; no rows selected SQL> --Note we need to create all indexes.
Option: 3 "export / truncate / import"
SQL> select table_name, round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 85536kb SQL> select table_name, round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 42535.54kb SQL> select status from user_indexes where table_name = 'BIG1'; STATUS -------- VALID SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Pr oduction With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options C:\>exp scott/tiger@Orcl file=c:\big1.dmp tables=big1 Export: Release - Production on Sat Jul 28 16:30:44 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc tion With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ... . . exporting table BIG1 468904 rows exported Export terminated successfully without warnings. C:\>sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Jul 28 16:31:12 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options SQL> truncate table big1; Table truncated. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Pr oduction With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options C:\>imp scott/tiger@Orcl file=c:\big1.dmp ignore=y Import: Release - Production on Sat Jul 28 16:31:54 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc tion With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options Export file created by EXPORT:V10.01.00 via conventional path import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set . importing SCOTT's objects into SCOTT . . importing table "BIG1" 468904 rows imported Import terminated successfully without warnings. C:\>sqlplus scott/tiger@orcl SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Jul 28 16:32:21 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options SQL> select table_name, round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 85536kb SQL> select table_name, round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 42535.54kb SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCOTT','BIG1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select table_name, round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 51840kb SQL> select table_name, round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'BIG1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ BIG1 42542.27kb SQL> select status from user_indexes where table_name = 'BIG1'; STATUS -------- VALID SQL> exec dbms_redefinition.can_redef_table('SCOTT','BIG1',- > dbms_redefinition.cons_use_pk); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Option: 4 "dbms_redefinition"
SQL> create table TABLE1 ( 2 no number, 3 name varchar2(20) default 'NONE', 4 ddate date default SYSDATE); Table created. SQL> alter table table1 add constraint pk_no primary key(no); Table altered. SQL> begin 2 for x in 1..100000 loop 3 insert into table1 ( no , name, ddate) 4 values ( x , default, default); 5 end loop; 6 end; 7 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> create or replace trigger tri_table1 2 after insert on table1 3 begin 4 null; 5 end; 6 / Trigger created. SQL> select count(*) from table1; COUNT(*) ---------- 100000 SQL> delete table1 where rownum <= 50000; 50000 rows deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCOTT','TABLE1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select table_name, round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'TABLE1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ TABLE1 2960kb SQL> select table_name, round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'TABLE1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ TABLE1 822.69kb SQL> --Minimum Privs required "DBA" role or "SELECT" on dbms_redefinition pkg SQL> --First check table is condidate for redefinition. SQL> SQL> exec sys.dbms_redefinition.can_redef_table('SCOTT',- > 'TABLE1',- > sys.dbms_redefinition.cons_use_pk); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> --After verifying that the table can be redefined online, you manually crea te an empty interim table (in the same schema as the table to be redefined) SQL> SQL> create table TABLE2 as select * from table1 WHERE 1 = 2; Table created. SQL> exec sys.dbms_redefinition.start_redef_table ( 'SCOTT',- > 'TABLE1',- > 'TABLE2'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> --This procedure keeps the interim table synchronized with the original tab le. SQL> SQL> exec sys.dbms_redefinition.sync_interim_table ('SCOTT',- > 'TABLE1',- > 'TABLE2'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> --Create PRIMARY KEY on interim table(TABLE2) SQL> alter table TABLE2 2 add constraint pk_no1 primary key (no); Table altered. SQL> create trigger tri_table2 2 after insert on table2 3 begin 4 null; 5 end; 6 / Trigger created. SQL> --Disable foreign key on original table if exists before finish this proces s. SQL> SQL> exec sys.dbms_redefinition.finish_redef_table ( 'SCOTT',- > 'TABLE1',- > 'TABLE2'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCOTT','TABLE1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select table_name, round((blocks*8),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'TABLE1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ TABLE1 1376kb SQL> select table_name, round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||'kb' "size" 2 from user_tables 3 where table_name = 'TABLE1'; TABLE_NAME size ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ TABLE1 841.4kb SQL> select status,constraint_name 2 from user_constraints 3 where table_name = 'TABLE1'; STATUS CONSTRAINT_NAME -------- ------------------------------ ENABLED PK_NO1 SQL> select status ,trigger_name 2 from user_triggers 3 where table_name = 'TABLE1'; STATUS TRIGGER_NAME -------- ------------------------------ ENABLED TRI_TABLE2 SQL> drop table TABLE2 PURGE; Table dropped.
- Mohammad taj's blog
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Need more information
Hi Taj,
Your post is very intresting and usefull for me.
I have modified your two queries into one single query for getting an idea about Fragmentation. The result is confusing to me, some values under the Actual data is greater than the table size.
select owner,table_name,round((blocks*8),2)||' kb' "TABLE SIZE",round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)||' kb' "ACTUAL DATA"
from dba_tables
where tablespace_name ='APPS_TS_SUMMARY';
--------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------
PJI_FP_ORG_ET_WT_F_MV 482048 kb 509799.45 kb
PJI_AV_ORGO_F_MV 1073920 kb 1212982.62 kb
Could you please help me to clear my doubt.
Many Thanks!
RE: need info
1. Check table is NOT COMPRESS mode.
select compression from dba_tables where table_name IN ('YOUR_TABLES');
if you get ENABLED then you can get output which your getting in above query.
for example:
Your query is not identical same as mine.
use mine query or use TABLE_NAME in where clause instead of TABLESPACE_NAME.
Best Regards
Mohammed Taj
RE: need info
I have checked, the table is not COMPRESSED.
SQL> col BLOCKS format 9999999999.999
SQL> col num_rows format 9999999999.999
SQL> col avg_row_len format 9999999999.999
SQL> select table_name, blocks,num_rows,avg_row_len from dba_tables where table_name='PJI_FP_ORG_ET_WT_F_MV';
------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
PJI_FP_ORG_ET_WT_F_MV 60256.000 2776780.000 188.000
SQL> select table_name, round((blocks*8),2) tablesize, round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2) actualsize,COMPRESSION from dba_tables where table_name='PJI_FP_ORG_ET_WT_F_MV';
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------
PJI_FP_ORG_ET_WT_F_MV 482048 509799.45 DISABLED
Please explain.
Is the table analyzed?
Is the table analyzed?
Need more discussion ... !!!!
Hi Mohammed Taj,
Thanks for posting your blog... it really helped me a lot.
I have tried your posted option (1), but for some table I am not getting good result here.
i have scheduled the script for all like.
1. It will collect the data which are having more than 100MB fragmentation.
select owner,table_name,blocks,num_rows,avg_row_len,round(((blocks*8/1024)),2)||'MB' "TOTAL_SIZE", round((num_rows*avg_row_len
/1024/1024),2)||'Mb' "ACTUAL_SIZE", round(((blocks*8/1024)-(num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024)),2) ||'MB' "FRAGMENTED_SPACE" from
dba_tables where owner in('a','b','c','d') and round(((blocks*8/1024)-(num_rows*avg_row_len/1024/1024)),2)
> 100 order by 8 desc;
2. then move the object(table) to the same tablespace.
alter table abc move;
alter table bcd move;
alter table efg move;
3. also rebuild the dependent objects.
alter index abc_PK rebuild online;
4. Then analyze the table which are having more than 100MB of fragmentation.
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('a','abc');
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('b','bcd');
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('c','cdf');
after that when check the table fragmentation, i am getting the same result, which i have collected from the 1st query.
Please let me know if i am missing anything.
Different between move and shrink space?
1. Can you tell me the different between 2 commands: Alter table BIG1 move; and Alter table BIG1 shrink space;
2. Do we have to set enable row movement before running the command "Alter table BIG1 move"?