
Oracle Internet Developer Suite Articles

Oracle data dictionary


Do you want to explore the Oracle data dictionary with a network graph ?
There is a free web-based utility available for that purpose.

Upgrading to 12.2 ? Make sure you won't break JSON


Will upgrade from 12.1 to 12.2 break your applications? It may if your developers are using JSON.

Send SMTP Mail using UTL_SMTP Package


In this first my blog entry I wish to post the code for send an Email message from one sender to one receiver.
The code is the follow:

  v_From      VARCHAR2(80) := '';
  v_Recipient VARCHAR2(80) := '';
  v_Subject   VARCHAR2(80) := 'test subject';
  v_Mail_Host VARCHAR2(30) := '';
  v_Mail_Conn utl_smtp.Connection;
  crlf        VARCHAR2(2)  := chr(13)||chr(10);
 v_Mail_Conn := utl_smtp.Open_Connection(v_Mail_Host, 25);
 utl_smtp.Helo(v_Mail_Conn, v_Mail_Host);

Key Value Pair Data Model


I have just joined an in flight project and find the lead data modeler has created a name value pair data model.

The reason given was flexibility of data model considering some records can have as many as 900 attributes. The .Net application team seem to be loving it, as they can code everything with very few tables in mind.

I feel the model is difficult to query, difficult to load and difficult to syndicate and in all likelyhood will suffer from poor performance. Also the data model can't be considered as a rich metadata repository and difficult to understand.

How to make Dynamic List Item in Oracle Forms Builder?


In this article I will tell you how you can make a dynamic List of values in oracle forms builder, most developer use many techniques to make List of values. I will tell you a simple and very suitable method for making List item dynamically.
You can use this code in NEW-FORM-INSTANCE

Generate list of dates and times with set interval


Generic query generating a list of date time. You need to substitute required interval number.

SAS Display Manager Commands


In my view, Display Manager commands didn’t get much attention of SAS programmers as they should be. It may be because...

1) SAS Documentation has very little information about how to use this facility.
2) Even Google searches aren’t helpful enough.

Here are the list of Display Manager Commands I know…

Using Manager commands we can open the dataset from any directory without touching the Explorer window…

SQL Statements for Improved Performance


Make Your SQL Statements Readable

Even though readability doesn't affect the actual performance of SQL statements, good programming practice calls for readable code. Readability is especially important if you have multiple conditions in the WHERE clause. Anyone reading the clause should be able to determine whether the tables are being joined properly and should be able to understand the order of the conditions.

Try to read this statement:

Passing parameters to SQL PLUS from Oracle Forms


I was working on a Application using oracle forms,where i need to call a sql script file with dynamic schema (dynamic owner), so i need to pass the owner from the oracle forms,
I came with the following procedure:

Embed Animated Flash Objects (*.swf file) in Oracle Forms.


Hello All,

To embed a Macromedia Flash Object (*.swf File) in Oracle Forms, follow the steps below.


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