From Oracle FAQ

iSQLPlus (iSQL*Plus) is a web-based utility similar to the SQL*Plus command line utility for executing SQL and PL/SQL commands.


iSQLPlus was first introduced with Oracle 8i to reflect the company's focus on Internet technology. iSQLPlus required that the Oracle SQL*Net drivers be installed on the client as well as the iSQLPlus program itself.

Starting with Oracle 9i, iSQLPlus was delivered as a web application. This removed the need to install client side software and enabled any client with an web browser to connect to iSQLPlus to run database queries.

Oracle decided to desupport iSQLPlus with the Oracle 11g release. Users should migrate to SQL Developer instead.


iSQLPlus was implemented as a Java servlet running in the standard Oracle HTTP Server. The iSQLPlus web application was included by default with the Oracle 9i database, listening on port 7777 under the URL /isqlplus. The tool is also included in most versions of Oracle Application Server using this same URL.

Oracle 10g has made some minor adjustments to the tool’s default configuration, dropping the HTTP server listening on port 7777, and instead created an OC4J running on port 5560. The iSQLPlus application now runs on this new port.


If the web server hosting iSQLPlus are exposed to the Internet, search engines will index it, and expose your database to potentical hackers. This should be avoided at all costs.

Getting started[edit]

Start the isqlplus daemon (Oracle 10g):

$ isqlplusctl start

Open your web browser and navigate to the system (