Re: 3NF question

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 14:58:38 -0800
Message-ID: <41e30773_2_at_127.0.0.1>

tore.trollsaas_ wrote:

> On 9 Jan 2005 16:07:46 -0800, "jonnie" <> wrote:

>>DA Morgan wrote:
>>>>I respect what you have said. On the otherhand, I would like to say
>>>>that I believe ID can be an acceptable attribute for an object,
>>even if
>>>>a sequential identity scheme is deemed unsuitable.
>>>I disagree. A person table might have a person_id that uniquely
>>>identifies that person within a specific application. But a column
>>>ID has no place in any set.
>>OK. If that's all I have to do to get off the fire, then fine. I would
>>like it to be called person_id instead of ID.
> ... and possibly you would even consider MemberNbr, EmployeeNbr , SSN,
> etc. Maybe even ZipCode  ;-)
> Consider what would happen if they were all named ID ? "ID What?"
> mvh Tore

One of my favorites is the "natural join" between two tables with a column named "Comments."

Nothing quite so good at enhancing performance as a meaningless join on a column containing kilobytes or megabytes of formatted text.

Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)

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