DOS Oracle DBA authorization problem.

From: <>
Date: 9 May 94 10:57:51 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Not sure if this is a DOS or Oracle problem, but here goes.. I've just installed Oracle on my Double-Spaced DOS 6.2 drive; SQLPME works OK, as does the ORACLE6 command, but when I try to SQLDBA STARTUP it complains of ORA-1031 - Insufficient privileges and refuses to start the database. I've got the correct DBA_AUTHORIZATION line in my config.ora file, and Oracle finds this file OK, but seems to ignore the password! Supplying the password on the 'startup' command line doesn't seem to work either..

Has anybody had this problem before, or can guess what might be happening??

Thanks! Chris

Chris Burns, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Received on Mon May 09 1994 - 12:57:51 CEST

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