Re: sdd_elements no longer available in CASE6i. Plz help a student.

From: Howard Gluckman <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:49:03 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 13:27:46 -0600, "Melvin Tan" <> wrote:

>Well, my boss is not going to be too happy about this when he gets back b/c
>he just spent a lot of time building these reports on CASE6 and now he wants
>it all converted to 6i and so far, only 1/2 of them can be done b/c they
>used the CI views instead of the sdd_elements.
>Lucky for me, I'm only a student and he told me to give it a try. By the
>way, many of these views have the columns IRID and IVID and I don't see
>their relationship. I can't find any info about these attributes in the 6i
>repository API and documentation. What do these attributes represent?
>Cheers, Melvin.
IRID and IVID are the new identifiers for 6i elements. If you are working in the context of a workarea (this should be the usual case), you can use IRID (each CI view still has an ID column = IRID). If you are in a versioned repository, IVID is the id of the versioned object. This should only be an issue if you are not working in the context of a workarea.

You might want to review some of the config mgmt documentation, which discusses IRID and IVID. Also, look on the ODTUG web site (, for some of the papers from last year's conference, and soon(?) the papers from this year's conference.


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