Re: sdd_elements no longer available in CASE6i. Plz help a student.

From: Melvin Tan <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:49:02 GMT
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Well, my boss is not going to be too happy about this when he gets back b/c he just spent a lot of time building these reports on CASE6 and now he wants it all converted to 6i and so far, only 1/2 of them can be done b/c they used the CI views instead of the sdd_elements.

Lucky for me, I'm only a student and he told me to give it a try. By the way, many of these views have the columns IRID and IVID and I don't see their relationship. I can't find any info about these attributes in the 6i repository API and documentation. What do these attributes represent?

Cheers, Melvin.

"Howard Gluckman" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 08:48:49 -0600, "Melvin Tan" <>
> wrote:
> >I am a student finally getting my hands dirty in Oracle and I've hit my
> >first major technical roadblock. The database at this company was based
> >CASE6. But now that they've received Designer 6i, the database needs to
> >migrated to the new repository. That was done successfully. However,
> >the company reports that were done in Oracle Reports 6 does not work in
> >Oracle Reports 6i because many of the queries were based on the
> >and sdd_structured_elements. I've spent the better part of 3 days trying
> >find their equivalence in CASE6i, but so far no luck.
> >
> >Plz help me out if you can b/c I only have 1 more week to figure this
> >
> >Cheers, Melvin.
> >
> You are correct, SDD_Elements, and SDD_Structure_Elements are gone.
> It was never a good idea to write reports against these tables unless,
> you were trying to query across all element types. Oracle provides
> the CI views for each element type and its associations. These views
> are (mostly) unchanged in the 6i repository. The biggest change to
> the views in 6i is that none of the element types are directly related
> to CI_Application_Systems anymore. Instead, you need to query
> CI_Folder_Members, and if you're concerned about ownership, check the
> ownership_flag column.
> If your current reports are only dealing with PAC (Primary Access
> Control - entities, table definitions, etc) elements, then you can use
> SDD_Object_Versions. SAC (Secondary Access) elements like attributes
> and columns are not in this view, however.
> Good Luck!
> Howard
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Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 23:49:02 CEST

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