Re: How to send pdf as attachment with email in oracle

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2019 16:59:45 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <qdgpi1$k2m$>

On Sat, 01 Jun 2019 16:47:31 +0000, John D Groenveld wrote:

> In article <qcrq77$e8o$>,
> Mladen Gogala <> wrote:

>>Jared Still and Andy Duncan. Be aware that the administrators of the
>>most production databases will prevent you from embedding Perl or Python
>>into Oracle database and will bitterly fight any attempt to do so, with
>>good arguments. Allowing Perl or Python scripts in the database opens a
>>whole can of security worms. I have been an Oracle DBA for around a
>>quarter of a century and despite my fondness for Perl, I have never
>>allowed it to be used from the database. The problem is that Perl allows
>>too much and can trivially be used to compromise database security.

> Just poll the database for new PDFs to spew out over email to assuage
> the risk-averse DBAs.

Of course DBA personnel is risk-averse. DBA is tasked with protecting the data and the database security. Their heads are the first on the chopping block when there is an intrusion and data theft. In addition to that, they do not own the data. No DBA has the right to risk exposing my SSN, bank account, drivers license or any other piece of private information. Many years ago, I exposed a really serious flaw of Oracle 10G and external procedures and I took a lot of flak for it, and rightfully so. I had no right to provide a recipe for stealing other people's data.

> Keep the interprocess asynchronous option in your back pocket for when
> Larry buys your option pack.

What is this supposed to mean? And what does Larry have to do with the whole stuff?

> ISTR that's how Oracle's text search option came to be.
> John

[Quoted] Oracle text search was included into database for business reasons. If there are documents in the database, there is a need to look for specific terms. Regular expressions will not be of much use here. There are many other popular text search engines, besides Oracle's, like Lucene, Sphinx, Xapian or Elasticsearh. Other databases have text search engines too. Presumably, they were not all bought by Larry?

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Received on Sat Jun 08 2019 - 18:59:45 CEST

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