Re: How to send pdf as attachment with email in oracle

From: <>
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2019 16:40:27 GMT
Message-ID: <%TxIE.20224$4O5.3420_at_fx46.iad>

[Quoted] In article <qcrq77$e8o$>, Mladen Gogala <> wrote:
>Jared Still and Andy Duncan. Be aware that the administrators of
>the most production databases will prevent you from embedding Perl
>or Python into Oracle database and will bitterly fight any attempt
>to do so, with good arguments. Allowing Perl or Python scripts in
>the database opens a whole can of security worms. I have been an
>Oracle DBA for around a quarter of a century and despite my fondness
>for Perl, I have never allowed it to be used from the database. The
>problem is that Perl allows too much and can trivially be used to
>compromise database security.

Just poll the database for new PDFs to spew out over email to assuage the risk-averse DBAs.

[Quoted] Keep the interprocess asynchronous option in your back pocket for when Larry buys your option pack.

ISTR that's how Oracle's text search option came to be. John Received on Sat Jun 01 2019 - 18:40:27 CEST

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