From: Kirby Grant <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:03:46 GMT
Message-ID: <CoX7u.63507$eE7.36738_at_fx21.iad>

On 17-Oct-2013, wrote:

> On Thursday, October 17, 2013 6:20:02 AM UTC-7, Kirby Grant wrote:
> > On 17-Oct-2013, wrote:
> >
> > > I know that my article is not related to this group ,but it might be
> > > useful.
> > > PLEASE read it
> >
> > No, it was not useful and you demonstrated vividly that you are mentally
> > ill
> > for posting it on a technical newsgroup that has nothing to do with
> > religion.
> If the Quraish killed Mohammed before he started hating on Jews, the world
> would be much better off.
> "At the beginning, the Koran of Mecca was full of appeals to the Jews, who
> were then described as "guidance and light" (5:44) and a "righteous"
> people (6:153-154), who "excelled the nations" (45:16). But when the Jews
> rejected the appeasement and refused to convert to Islam, Mohammed simply
> and completely flipped. The Quran changed from love to threats and then
> pure hatred, cursing, and commandments to kill Jews. Rejection by the
> Jews became an intolerable obsession with Mohammed."
> Stupid prideful greedy bastard.
> /

Now wait just a cotton-picking moment. That simply is not true. Obviously you have not read the Qur'an cover to cover. I have. While there may be some strongly worded statements about infidels, they do not rise to the level of "intolerable obsession". And if you really read the Qur'an, the whole concept of infidels is really based on Jews of any other religion - it is primarily based on what is perceived to be a disregard for properly following god. You have to remember that while modern-day Islam is based on the Qur'an, that book was not primarily written to be the basis of a new religion and Mohammed himself had no particular desire to create a new religion - he just wanted people to return to the tradition Levant teachings about god that were largely derived from B.C.E teachings. So your statement just becomes that of a religous bigot and is not based on anything other than your bellicose yammerings about something of which you are really very ignorant. And I say all of this as a non-religious person - but I have read the Qur'an strictly because it is a book that has significant impact in the world around us just like I've read the so-called "bible" cover to cover, I've read the Rig Veda and portions of the Uphanishads, as well as Taoist, Buddhist and even the so-called "satanic bible" written by LeVay. I do such things to educate myself so that I don't come off sounding like a dummy Republican. Received on Thu Oct 17 2013 - 22:03:46 CEST

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