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Re: So what if 8i is outta support ?

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 15:11:39 +1000
Message-Id: <41807f7b$0$32574$>

DA Morgan wrote:

> I think you are missing the point that Howard speaks from his experience
> doing business in Australia. And perhaps not for the entire country but
> rather the part where he resides and does business: I don't know.
> I speak only from the standpoint of business conducted in a few states
> in the United States.

And I think the fundamental reason we disagreed is...

> If you read more into it than that you are engaging in a flight of
> fantasy.
> The reason I insist on skills is that I am almost always consulting for
> very large companies

...right there.

I am looking at things from the perspective of having employed people to work for the companies here and in the UK where *I* work(ed). They will, therefore, be working with me. I will be around these people awhile. I will be available to train them. I will be screwed royally if they stuff up (because I will have to unscramble the mess they cause). And I will be rewarded handsomely (by not having to work so hard myself) if they do well.

You, on the other hand, are talking about placing people with clients, where they sink or swim, and it's no skin of your nose particularly if they sink. Of course, if they do that, you/your organisation might not get the repeat business of filling any further jobs that client has to offer. But it's not personal for you like it was for me.

I don't, in short, think nationality has anything very much to do with this at all.

I wouldn't expect the temp agencies in Australia to take especial care over who they send for interview to companies here, either.

> that have a pool of talent. They want people with
> at the skills of their current employees. And if they get lucky and can
> high-grade the stable with a thoroughbred ... all the better. They are
> not looking to hire a trainee ... and why should they if they are
> willing to step up to the plate with the right salaries for the right
> talent?
Received on Thu Oct 28 2004 - 00:11:39 CDT

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