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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Create a view using OUT values from a procedure - how?
> This makes it difficult, at best, for anyone to provide any reliable
> or pertinent assistance. It is also extremely frustrating to find the
> problem has been severely misstated, to the point of deception, and
> that the actual issue is nothing like the example posted. Yes, by
> your own admission this example was foolish for the reaseons you cite.
> It also makes it highly unlikely for you to receive any assistance in
> the future for any other problem you may have.
> Now, just WHAT is the real issue here, and why won't functions perform
> the way you'd like?
> David Fitzjarrell
Really, I posted a foolish example in order to keep things simple. I admited my foolishness, but since I did it once, it is not likely I will get help in the future. Is that really the way the group works around here?
Anyway, the underlying question reamins the same.
The original question was how do I get them from a procedure, but the group said this cannong be done.
Mike Received on Fri Oct 08 2004 - 12:21:32 CDT