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Re: Create a view using OUT values from a procedure - how?

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 07:44:55 +1000
Message-Id: <41670b00$0$20124$>

Mike wrote:


>> This makes it difficult, at best, for anyone to provide any reliable
>> or pertinent assistance. It is also extremely frustrating to find the
>> problem has been severely misstated, to the point of deception, and
>> that the actual issue is nothing like the example posted. Yes, by
>> your own admission this example was foolish for the reaseons you cite.
>> It also makes it highly unlikely for you to receive any assistance in
>> the future for any other problem you may have.
>> Now, just WHAT is the real issue here, and why won't functions perform
>> the way you'd like?
>> David Fitzjarrell
> Really, I posted a foolish example in order to keep things simple.  I
> admited my foolishness, but since I did it once, it is not likely I will
> get help in the future. Is that really the way the group works around
> here?

People don't like having their time wasted. If they are asked about problem A, and they puzzle away at it, and maybe test things out a bit, and worry about it, and then post an answer... actually only to discover that problem A never really existed, and the real problem was quite different: well, don't you think you'd get a mite fed up too?

It comes down to feeling conned, in the end. Fairly or not, that can be the impression given.

I only speak as a third party... if I can help in the future, I will. As, I am sure, will many here. The real point is, if you muck a lot of people around, a lot of people won't. You might notice that even David says "you won't receive any further assistance... Now, what is the real issue here", almost in the same breath. Just don't push your luck, I guess, is the message.

It is always best to be upfront on these things. If you had defined the business problem, and not tried to produce a simplified example at all, that might have been one approach. If you had produced a simplified example but announced it to have been such from the outset, that might have been another.

HJR Received on Fri Oct 08 2004 - 16:44:55 CDT

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