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Re: How to install oracle on UNIX

From: Keg <>
Date: 6 Oct 2004 07:19:54 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Daniel Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1097040276.815600_at_yasure>...
> Keg wrote:
> >>Do precisely what you wrote and I will guarantee a filed installation.
> >>

You obviously fat-fingered some other mistakes during the install. I have done that install procedure hundreds of times, on systems with 2GB memory up to 64gb. That is real-world empirical, indisputable results. If you want me to write an idiot-proof howto I'd be happy.

> >>Don't set the kernel parameters and reboot and you might as well not
> >>bother trying at all.
> >
> >
> > Actually there not needed for a database either if your SGA is
> > small/medium sized. The changes to the parameters in /etc/system raise
> > the default hard limits and thus allow larger shared memory segments
> > and etc... I currently have a Solaris 8 64-bit and a Solaris 9 64-bit
> > system running Oracle with the only change in /etc/system being
> > increased open file descriptors. Same is true on Linux, rarely have I
> > seen the need to make changes to the kernel parameters even though
> > most install guides seem to make this a requirement _prior_ to doing
> > anything.
> In addition to what Howard said ... Metalink is overflowing with
> ORA-03113s from people that tried it your way. Why not just read and
> follow the docs and get it right the first time?

Uhh, you obviously did not read any of this thread. I have gotten it right, many times, every time. If you not gonna be productive in this thread, take your stubborn bitterness elsewhere. My gawd, grow up people.

Usenet is for people helping other people (at least it used to be back in the day when people were in this industry because they liked the work, not for the salaries) So leave the short-man complex and ego's at home. (especially given the various audiences on this list) sheesh.

You might wanna actually research what the kernel parameters are, what they do, and what the system defaults are before you make a fool out of yourself. If you also knew, the oracle install docs as of 9i have you change some of the kernel parameters to a value that is already the default. (thus there is no real change) I have been writing C code on Unix for well over 10 years and know these kernel parameters inside and out, as well as Solaris/Linux internals. (not to mention the 8 years I spent at cal-berkeley)

Lastly, before you run your mouth, know what you are talking about. If you have not tried a certain claim YOURSELF and SEEN THE RESULTS IN PERSON, stfu. I have installed over 100 oracle datbases in the last 10 years at companies like Sempra, Sprint, Home Depot, 24-Hour Fitness, etc.... and I have never modified the default Solaris kernel parameters until performance demanded it. Case and point. Please, please, please provide some REAL-WORLD verifyable evidence suggesting otherwise, until then your just another loud-mouth DBA throwing buzz words around as you stroll into the office at 10am drinking your Starbucks coffee. Received on Wed Oct 06 2004 - 09:19:54 CDT

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