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Re: Remote client to startup using SuSe

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 17:47:55 +1000
Message-Id: <4163a3d5$0$20129$>

Holger Baer wrote:

> Howard J. Rogers wrote:

>> Vageesh wrote:
>>>I am using a suse client and a suse server.
>>>I have configured the Lister and its up and running.
>>>I have configured tnsnames.ora and tnsping works.
>>>The database is SHUTDOWN and I want to START.
>>>I have a pfile at client place in which have specified the
>>>spfile=path/filename parameter.
>>>Now I try to say
>>>sqlplus "sys/password_at_connect as sysdba"
>> So you're connecting from the client to issue privileged commands? You'll
>> need to set REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE=EXCLUSIVE if it's not already.
>> There will need to be a password file on the server if you haven't
>> already created one. Use orapwd to do that if necessary:
>> orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwSID.ora password=xxxxx entries=20
>> And just so we're 100% clear, the correct connection string syntax is:
>> sqlplus "sys/password_at_SID as sysdba"

> Howard,
> you're always so precise with your advices, so I just can't ignore this
> minor glitch:
> A remote client has no idea where to connect to if you only supply it with
> a sid. So to be really 100% clear, the correct connection string is:
> sqlplus "sys/password_at_tns-alias as sysdba"

OK, point taken, and you got me fair and square. The brain and the fingers were not communicating properly.

In the true spirit of getting my own back, nicely, however...

I would just point out that they tend not to be called "tns aliases" these days. The "proper" name for them is, apparently, "Oracle Net Service Name Aliases". Or variations on that theme. Largely, I suppose, because many people won't be using tnsnames.ora as their names resolution mechanism...


Yeah, I still call them tnsnames aliases too!!  

> It's certainly common practice to name the tnsalias after the SID on the
> server, but it's not really required. Sometimes I just name them after the
> application they support.
> Cheers
> Holger

Good call. Thanks.

HJR Received on Tue Oct 05 2004 - 02:47:55 CDT

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