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Re: Outrage that OCP exams are now unproctored - Comments?

From: Pete Sharman <>
Date: 30 Dec 2002 09:24:43 -0800
Message-ID: <>

In article <zORP9.2545$>, "Bert says...
>FYI: There is a big difference between "Oracle Master" and "Oracle
>Certified Master."
>An Oracle Master is someone who paid (or whose company paid) for Oracle
>training. It doesn't say the person learned anything or even attended the
>class (other than to sign-in).
>On the other hand an "Oracle Certified Master" MIGHT BE getting closer to
>what Daniel desires (e.g. like a state run board test for lawyers, doctors,
>and engineers). The OCM requires you to:
>1) Be an Oracle 9i OCP (via the 4 exams or New Features exam)
>2) Take two advanced Oracle training classes (e.g. replication, advanced
>SQL, etc.)
>3) Take a two day practical exam where you build systems, implement
>features, and solve problems on real machines.
>The key is #3. The first two are nice and help you prepare but it is #3
>that might make the OCM very valuable. It would be nice to know more about
>the actual stuff covered, in order to judge its value.
>Personally, I look forward to taking (and God willing passing) the OCM exam,
>but only after studying and practicing for it.
>Bertram Moshier
>Oracle Certified Professional 8i and 9i DBA


I've stayed out of this discussion until now because I didn't really see anywhere I could add value, but this is something I can help with. Having been through the OCM exam, I can tell you it's VERY worthwhile, not to mention bloody exhausting! For more details, seen the 9i OCM DBA page at It includes a description of the practicum and an OCM FAQ, in addition to the details you've already mentioned here.

>"Joel Garry" <> wrote in message
>> DA Morgan <> wrote in message
>> > michael ngong wrote:
>> >
>> > From that standpoint the OCP doesn't cut it. After you graduate from a
>> > university you an employer can phone the university and verify you
>> > attended and your graduation. Call Oracle after you pass the OCP and try
>> > to verify that they've ever heard your name before.
>> So how about "Oracle Masters?" Making lemonade out of the OCP lemon,
>> or big revenue stream for Oracle?
>> >
>> > Daniel Morgan
>> jg

HTH. Additions and corrections welcome.


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