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Re: TNS Protocol Error from SQLPlus within local server

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 08:04:00 +1100
Message-ID: <Sf5M9.5921$>

"buckeye234" <> wrote in message
> If you don't want to specify the 'Host String' when using SQLPlus, then
> you have to set the environment variable ORACLE_SID. Since multiple
> instances can exist on one machine, SQLPlus has to have some way of
> knowing which instance to connect to. Even if there is only one
> instance, Oracle does not assume that this is the one you want to
> connect to.
> If you did have ORACLE_SID set, then there is some other problem. If
> this is the case, please provide information on what OS your using, it's
> version and the exact error message you are receiving.

I'm guessing he's using Windows, because the sqlplusw.exe (nasty, horrible Windows-specific version of sqlplus) is the only application I can think of that comes up with a logon dialog that has a field labelled 'Host String' (how's that for a bit of sleuthing?!)

And if so, that's a problem for your (otherwise sound) theory because Windows machines have a registry setting to supply a default ORACLE_SID, so it shouldn't need to be set. On the other hand, he may have set an environment variable for his Windows user account that is over-riding that registry setting. So yes, it could still be ORACLE_SID related.

I'd be interested to know what he's supplying as the username. Because you can get protocol adapter errors on Windows if you do the equivalent of 'connect / as sysdba' when you haven't modified the sqlnet.ora to have it use SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NTS).

And to the original poster (and the many others like him): now you know why specifying your platform everytime you make a post is so vital, not just your version.

> HTH,
> Patrick
> Originally posted by Kapal Mo
> > With a new Oracle 817 server install, when connecting using
> > SQLPlus on the
> > local machine, leaving the Host String as blank, I get a TNS Protocol
> > error. However, looking at the tnsnames.ora file, used the SID
> > name on the
> > Host String, I was able to connect. I suspect that since I did
> > a custom
> > install of the Enterprise Edition, I forgot to install a
> > component that a
> > loopback connection would require.
> >
> Thanks.
> --
> Posted via
Received on Wed Dec 18 2002 - 15:04:00 CST

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