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On Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:19:51 -0400, you wrote:
>We have a client with an Oracle 7 database. I do not have access to the
>manuals, so forgive me if this question is very basic. I need to know if
>the following is possible, and generally how it is done so that I can
>present a solution to my team.
>Our client uses an Oracle database, and we need to build their table/index
>structure on our in-house, non-Oracle database. I need to know a command
>from Oracle that would produce a text script of all of a particular user's
>tables, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, etc, so that I can create the
>same structure in our database by running the script. I would also like to
>dump their data into a text file for importing into our database.
sounds like you want to do an exp on their database and an imp into yours. Look at the IMP and EXP utilities (imp73 exp73/imp80 exp80 on NT)... Yes, OEM can run these tools as well.
>Does the enterprise manager provide these functions? What about command
>line utilities? I appreciate any info provided.
Thomas Kyte
Oracle Government
Herndon VA
-- -- downloadable utilities
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