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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> the longraw field in oracle 8 tables
hi all, i am using oracle 8 on nt 4.0 i have a table called 'x' which
contains a blob field the schema for 'x' is create table x (id varchar2(10),
result_blob longraw) ; now i use ADO under VB 6.0 to insert records into this
table. my question is probably VB and ADO independent and as follows : i
notice that the very existence of the longraw field degrades performance of
insertion. say if i insert 1000 records without filling in the longraw field
or by filling in say only 10 or 20 byte chunks (using ADO's appendchunk
method) , i see that the time taken by oracle in milliseconds to insert later
records is linearly increasing compared to earlier records. if say 10kb or
50kb chunks are inserted, the performance for later records is again linearly
degrading with a worse factor. now simply removing the longraw field from the
schema of the table 'x' (and obviously not inserting any chunks) i see nearly
no variation over time for oracle to insert records in the table for initial
and later records.
i want to know if anyone has experienced this or knows about how oracle internally handles tables where longraw fields are present?
whether it's presence itself degrades performance?
thanking you all in anticipation,
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