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We have a client with an Oracle 7 database. I do not have access to the
manuals, so forgive me if this question is very basic. I need to know if
the following is possible, and generally how it is done so that I can
present a solution to my team.
Our client uses an Oracle database, and we need to build their table/index structure on our in-house, non-Oracle database. I need to know a command from Oracle that would produce a text script of all of a particular user's tables, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, etc, so that I can create the same structure in our database by running the script. I would also like to dump their data into a text file for importing into our database.
Does the enterprise manager provide these functions? What about command line utilities? I appreciate any info provided.
Bret Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 09:19:51 CDT