Re: Licensing question

From: Douglas Dunyan <>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 13:11:30 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hey Dave !

    Don’t feel hammered. When it comes to licensing Oracle questions, I claim the 5th, or declare it out of scope!

    Oracle license science is it’s own area of expertise. Having been in the space since the 20th century or the 1900’s ( how crazy does that sound ? ) license details have taken on a life of their own.

    My only advice, is always wait until April to contact your sales representative. Let executives know, to obtain the most favorable prices, decisions and contract execution NEED to be completed before the close of books for their fiscal year.

   So repeat after me…. “Not my job.” He he he

   Happy Easter to all the listers out there. Thanks for your participation and investment. The community appreciates you!


Art by Joan Stark

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On Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 11:08 AM Herring Dave <> wrote:

> I know I’m going to get hammered on this one but I’ve got to ask as I’m
> stuck...
> I need to find some way to associate line items on our Oracle invoice w/
> the appropriate databases but am struggling w/ a number of them as I can’t
> find a match, at least w/ whats reporting from
> dba_features_usage_statistics / options_packs_usage_statistics.sql.
> Specifically, the following are on our invoice w/ license qty but can’t see
> a direct mapping to dbs:
> Oracle Cloud Management Pack for Oracle Database
> Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition
> Oracle Database Lifecycle Management Pack
> Oracle Entitlements Server - Processor Perpetual
> Oracle Entitlements Server Security Module - Processor Perpetual
> Oracle GoldenGate Veridata
> Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite Plus - Employee User
> Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite Plus - Non Employee User
> Oracle Identity Manager Connector - Database User Management - Connector
> Perpetual
> Oracle Identity Manager Connector - Microsoft Active Directory - Connector
> Perpetual
> Oracle Identity Manager Connector - Sun Java System Directory - Connector
> Perpetual
> Oracle Management Pack for Oracle GoldenGate - Processor Perpetual
> I’ve been assigned to do this because management wants to better breakdown
> the annual $6m license cost of Oracle (non-middleware) to various CTO+1
> folks. Personally I haven’t supported Oracle in 5+ yrs (moved to Snowflake
> and BigQuery) but I’m currently the most likely person to gather this info.
> Thx in advance.
> Regards,
> Dave
> Public

Received on Sat Mar 30 2024 - 21:11:30 CET

Original text of this message