OT - Thanks To Those Who've Hosted This List

From: elkinsl <"elkinsl">
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 09:51:17 -0500
Message-ID: <02e801da811f$645a26d0$2d0e7470$_at_verizon.net>

A big thanks to Jared, Mark, and others who have kept this list moving forward. And to the participants who have provided the content! I have emails going back to the 90's and the SUNY days, then through the other hosting options, and eventually to where we are now. While I've been too busy to actively participate on this list in a number of years, I've continued to follow it. Anyway, I'm about to unsubscribe but wanted to give a parting thanks to those involved.  


Larry G. Elkins



Received on Thu Mar 28 2024 - 15:51:17 CET

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