Re: Any way to capture spatial bind data?

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 09:38:13 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On 12/7/23 02:45, Osman DINC wrote:
> Hi all;
> I am trying to troubleshoot an ORA-3137 [3146] error.
> I have read Doc ID 31625618.8. In my case,it is a select statement not
> a dml.  I guess, Most probably, it is a client driver issue but i want
> to diagnose more if possible. Client application is using an universal
> data access component (UniDAC for Delphi) and application does not
> have a detailed logging mechanism.
> Problematic sql statement is working sometimes and for some bind
> values, it gets ORA-3137. We are using ASO(Advanced Security Option)
> and cursor_sharing is forced. Original statement is using literals.
> Question is : I wonder if there is any way to capture spatial bind
> data? Its datatype is 121.
> According to the v$sql_bind_capture documentation in Database Reference,
> <>
> "Bind values are not always captured for this view. Bind values are
> displayed by this view only when the type of the bind variable is
> simple (this excludes LONG, LOB, and ADT data types) and when the bind
> variable is used in the WHEREor HAVINGclauses of the SQL statement."
> I traced with 10056,10043 and also tried errorstack for ORA-3137 and
> could not capture bind values in trace files.
> Regards,
> Osman DİNÇ

Hi Osman,

Tracing with SQL_TRACE will show you bind values. The following statement will catch both waits and binds:

SQL> alter session set events='SQL_TRACE level=12';

Session altered.

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Thu Dec 07 2023 - 15:38:13 CET

Original text of this message